Course Description
For many food businesses in Australia, it is a legal requirement that at least one Food Safety Supervisor is employed for every premises from which the business operates, to ensure all food handlers know how to handle food safely for the job that they do.
This unit will give you the skills, knowledge and application to handle food safely during the storage, preparation, display, service and disposal of food. It requires the ability to follow predetermined procedures as outlined in a food safety program.
The unit applies to all organisations with permanent or temporary kitchen premises or smaller food preparation areas. This includes restaurants, cafes, clubs, and hotels; tour operators; attractions; function, event, exhibition and conference catering; educational institutions; aged care facilities; correctional centres; hospitals; defence forces; cafeterias, kiosks, canteens and fast-food outlets; residential catering; in-flight and other transport catering.
Safe food handling practices are based on an organisation’s individual food safety program. The program would normally be based on the hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) method, but this unit can apply to other food safety systems.
It applies to food handlers who directly handle food during the course of their daily work activities. This includes cooks, chefs, caterers, kitchen hands and food and beverage attendants.
Food handlers must comply with the requirements contained within the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
This course is delivered online plus access to a workplace where the practical component can be signed off.
Skills must be demonstrated in the workplace with the addition of simulations and scenarios where the full range of contexts and situations have not been provided in the workplace or may occur only rarely.
Completion of pre-course online learning which takes approximately eight hours.
Completion of face-to-face practical assessment which takes approximately six hours.
Assessment of your practical skills will occur either face to face or can be completed via Zoom or by uploading a recorded video of you completing the practical component.
This course will be offered at:
Brisbane Campus – Level 1, 433 Boundary Street, Brisbane
Blackstone Campus – 14 Hill Street, Blackstone
The following course fees apply to this course:
- Cornzal Concession n/a
- Subsidised n/a
- Full Fee $195.00
- Co-contribution Fees n/a
- Cornzal at School Subsidised Fee n/a
- Cornzal at School Full Fee n/a
Textbook and other fees may apply to this course. For further information relating to fees, including payment methods, student loans, financial assistance, and scholarships, please refer to our Fees and Refunds page.