health & community services
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Cornzal has been offering industry-leading courses for over 20 years. Enquire now if you are a student wanting to kick-start a successful career or an employer seeking industry-ready graduates.
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health & community services
Basic Foot Care
As a support worker you are in a unique place to assist your client to have the healthiest feet possible; upskill today.
PD00001 RPL up to CHCCCS013
Bowel Management
Provides you with the skills to deliver complex bowel care practice safely and with confidence.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
Have a better understanding why your client may need CPAP; how you can confidently support them and to care for devices and consumables.
Dementia Awareness
Empower people living with dementia, and their carers, to make informed decisions about support services and living with dementia.
PD00004 RPL up to CHCAGE005
Diabetes Awareness & Monitoring
Play an important role in taking care of your client living with diabetes and help them practice good diabetes care.
Enteral Feeding
This confidence building module, further develops your current skills & knowledge to support a person with enteral feeding.
Epilepsy, Seizure Management & Midazolam Administration
Provides you with confidence in understanding epilepsy, seizure management & administration of Midazolam.
Infection Control
Refresh or develop new skills in effective infection prevention and control. Understanding that this is central to providing high quality healthcare for clients and a safe working environment for those that work in healthcare settings.
PD00008 – RPL up to HLTINF001;
Manual Handling
Develop or refresh your skills in injury prevention, preventing overuse injuries, manual handling communication, slide sheets, sling lifter and floor transfer.
PD00009 – RPL up to HLTWHS003
Medication Awareness & Safety
Upskill your current knowledge & practises to progress to a higher qualification.
PD00010 – RPL up to HLTHPS006
Oxygen Therapy & Suctioning Support
Update your knowledge and skills to safely care for clients receiving oxygen & oral suctioning therapy.
Palliative Care
This micro-credential will give you skills and confidence to work alongside qualified health professionals who are providing support for at home, end of life care.
PD00012 – RPL up to CHCPAL002
Urinary Catheter Care
Develop the confidence and skills to manage urinary catheter care such as indwelling or supra pubic catheters. Enabling your client to live a normal life with a long-term catheter.
Tracheostomy Care
Another confidence building micro-credential to support those clients living at home with a long-term tracheostomy in place.