Cornzal sponsors Simply Human Fundraiser

Cornzal is a proud supporter of Simply Human and recently acted as a co-platinum sponsor for their fundraiser event ‘Celebrating Unsung Heroes 2023’. 

SIMPLY HUMAN Inc. is a Not For Profit (NFP) organisation raising awareness for cancer. With the slogan “Superheros without Capes”, the team at Simply Human aims to bring together people from all walks of life to help create change and support those in need, effectively bridging the gap between cancer patients struggling to find the right help.

The keynote speaker at the fundraiser event was Lisa Ray, a cancer survivor and renowned Canadian actress, and on the night Simply Human honoured her with an Unsung Hero award. 

CORNZAL CEO, Jennifer Inglis, was there on the night to receive an award as a Co-Platinum Sponsor, in recognition of our contribution to funds raised.

Jennifer was thrilled with the outcome of the evening and was captivated by Lisa Ray’s story of strength, resilience and the power of hope.

Jennifer is pictured receiving the sponsor award with (L-R) Peter Russo MP, State Member for Toohey, Christine Castley, CEO of Multicultural Australia, and Lisa Ray.

To learn more about the wonderful work that Simply Human does, visit their website – 

Cornzal CEO Jennifer Inglis is pictured receiving the sponsor award
Cornzal CEO Jennifer Inglis is pictured receiving the sponsor award